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Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7 For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817

A blue and yellow logo for the m company. What Is Drug Possession?

Depending on the severity of the possession, the charges will change.

In Florida, drug possession is when someone holds the controlled substance for personal use and was not involved with its manufacturing, distribution, or sale. Unless it is medical marijuana, possession may be charged as a felony. However, recreational marijuana may be tried as a first-degree misdemeanor.

Drug laws are ever-changing. This means, if you find yourself in a sticky situation you need a detailed lawyer who stays abreast of the latest changes and is ready to defend you. At McCulloch Law, we defend the most complicated cases, working around the clock to get you the results you deserve.

What Is Drug Trafficking?

Drug trafficking is more common than you may think. As defined by Florida law, drug trafficking is the intentional sale, purchase, manufacturing, delivery, possession, or transportation of a controlled substance. The charge depends on the amount of the substance that is at hand. However, all charges require a prison sentence.

A blue and yellow logo for the m company. The Consequences Of The Misuse Of Prescription Drugs

As the opioid crisis continues its destructive path across the state of Florida, law enforcement is putting down the hammer. Possession, use, and trafficking of prescription drugs is a serious offense that can result in drug use. This is why you need a lawyer who is well-versed in the complexities of prescription drug trials and will strive to get you the best possible outcome at all costs.

Are You in Need of a Criminal Defense Attorney in Tampa FL?

If you’ve found yourself in violation of a drug law, you need a criminal defense attorney in Tampa FL who is more than experienced. Contact McCulloch Law today to learn what we can do for you.

McCulloch Law, P.A

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For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817