Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7 For A Free Consultation -(813) 444-2817

Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7 For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817


A blue and yellow logo for the m company. Motorcycle accidents can be especially devastating, given the fact that a motorcycle driver or rider has no seatbelt or large vehicle to protect them. In fact, motorcyclists are approximately 28 times more frequently killed in a traffic crash than occupants of passenger cars in traffic crashes.

Many times, other drivers on the road do not pay enough attention to someone on a motorcycle. This is why it is important to be especially vigilant when riding a motorcycle. If you’ve been injured on a motorcycle in Florida through the fault of someone else, the law provides that you are entitled to be compensated for your injuries and the attorneys at McCulloch Law, P.A. are here to help.

The number one precaution you can take as a motorcyclist is to wear a helmet. Not only will this affect your legal case, but more importantly it could save your life. It is estimated that motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69% and reduce the risk of death by 42%. Before you are ever involved in a motorcycle crash, protect yourself and your riders by purchasing a helmet approved by the DOT and wearing it wherever you ride.

Following a motorcycle accident, it is important to call the police and ask for a police report. Make sure the police get the other driver’s driver license and insurance information. You’ll also want to document the motorcycle crash by taking photographs of the scene of the accident, your motorcycle, and the at-fault driver’s vehicle; this evidence may be of great use in your case against the at-fault driver. If you’ve been injured in the motorcycle accident, seek the appropriate medical treatment to not only receive the necessary treatment, but also in order to document your injuries. The insurance companies may reach out to you to take a statement or offer you money to drop the case; in no event should you speak to any insurance company without an attorney. This is why it is important to call an attorney as soon as you can to make sure your rights are protected.

Why Hire A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

McCulloch Law, P.A. offers free consultations to victims of motorcycle accidents. Our attorneys can come to you for your consultation at your home, the hospital, or anywhere that is convenient for you. Additionally, we will take your injury case on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you’ll never owe us money for legal fees unless you win your case.

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, the medical bills and lost wages can start to pile up, causing stress on you. Let the experienced attorneys at McCulloch Law, P.A. take the burden off of you and start working to make you whole again.

The attorneys at McCulloch Law, P.A. have experience handling motorcycle accident cases in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Brandon, Riverview, and most surrounding areas of the Greater Tampa Bay Area. We are licensed to practice law throughout the entire State of Florida.


McCulloch Law, P.A

Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7
For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817