Probation can make or break the future of a criminal defendant.
Probation is an intermediary between confinement and release. While the defendant is no longer in confinement, they are not in the clear. Probation is a test of sorts to see how they will behave and react to their limited reintroduction to society.
Probation can make or break the future of a criminal defendant. If an individual violates the terms of their probation, they can incur more penalties. But, with a probation lawyer in Tampa on their side, you can get the best outcome possible.
What Are The Conditions Of Probation?
Terms and conditions surrounding probations are typically straight-forward. They may include but are not limited to:
Report to the probation officer as directed
Remain gainfully employed
Do not break any laws
Financially support dependents
What Does Probation Violation Include?
Violation Of Probation
Bond Motion
Bond Reduction Motion
Are You Looking for a Probation Lawyer in Tampa FL?
Probation can be a very defining time for an individual. Stay on the right track by hiring a trustworthy probation lawyer in Tampa FL. Contact our offices at McCulloch Law to learn more about how we can serve you.
Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7 For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817