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Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7 For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817

A blue and yellow logo for the m company. What Is Probation?

Probation can make or break the future of a criminal defendant.

Probation is an intermediary between confinement and release. While the defendant is no longer in confinement, they are not in the clear. Probation is a test of sorts to see how they will behave and react to their limited reintroduction to society.

Probation can make or break the future of a criminal defendant. If an individual violates the terms of their probation, they can incur more penalties. But, with a probation lawyer in Tampa on their side, you can get the best outcome possible.

What Are The Conditions Of Probation?

Terms and conditions surrounding probations are typically straight-forward. They may include but are not limited to:

  • Report to the probation officer as directed
  • Remain gainfully employed
  • Do not break any laws
  • Financially support dependents

A blue and yellow logo for the m company. What Does Probation Violation Include?

  • Violation Of Probation
  • Warrant
  • Capias
  • Bond Motion
  • Bond Reduction Motion

Are You Looking for a Probation Lawyer in Tampa FL?

Probation can be a very defining time for an individual. Stay on the right track by hiring a trustworthy probation lawyer in Tampa FL. Contact our offices at McCulloch Law to learn more about how we can serve you.

McCulloch Law, P.A

Call A Law Firm That Cares, 24-7
For A Free Consultation - (813) 444-2817